Do I need to join at a specific time?

No! You can join the conference at any time over the 2 days! Just check the program at the bottom of the home page to see what’s on at any given time.

I’d like to get closed captions enabled

Any participant can self-enable captions. Just Click the Show Captions button (CC). Captions will appear above the controls toolbar. By default, English is set as the speaking language the captions are generated in.

Read more on Zoom about Enabling Captions.

English is not my preferred language. What can I do?

You can enable translation for the closed captions on Zoom. Next to the Show Captions button, click the “up caret” button: ^

Under the Translate to section of the menu, click on the language you want the captions translated to. Click the More option to see more available languages.

Read more on Zoom about Translating Captions

Are the sessions being recorded?

Yes! All the sessions are being recorded, so please consider whether you would like your video on or off. We will make the videos available in about a week’s time on our YouTube channel.

Can I ask questions?

Yes! Please put your questions in the Q&A. The chat will not be monitored for questions to the speakers.