About R21C

Revolution in the Twenty First Century (R21C)

R21C is a new international organisation aiming to create and support the frontline collective efforts to build towards the coming revolutions of this century. It is focused on:

  • Providing inspiration through international online events, and online and offline content (books, podcasts, you tube conversations, tiktok bits etc).

  • Provide pathways to frontline projects and international actions.

  • Get the international media (social, mainstream, alternative/Left) to engage with new global projects for democratic transformation.

  • To mentor and support the upcoming revolutionary leaders of the upcoming generations.

  • Build the practical plans and programme for the next civilisation.

  • Support each other to remain sane and kind in this headf*ck mad glorious world.

The First R21C International Conference 22-23 June 2024

We all now know the system we live under is destroying itself. So, what comes next? Fascism or peaceful revolution for revitalised democracy—nothing less than a transformation of our relationships with ourselves, with one another, and with the natural world.

The revolutionary change we need calls for a new global movement established outside the collapsing system, ready, willing, and able to build a new democracy. R21C is building communities, forming collaborative networks for meeting not only common needs, but those of the environment and future generations.

This first Conference is an experiment gathering leading intellectuals, movement and community organisers, and frontline activists. The central theme of the Conference is nonviolent revolutionary change—who and what we are now, who and what we want to become, and how we get there. We invite anyone aligned with our basic aims to participate and join our group.

That is the direction of travel. We are not sure how the event is going to pan out but we are going for it anyway. Time is short. We are living our lives.

Please share the event in your networks.

Thanks! See you at the Conference!  

The Rules (there are always rules!)

We do not have the rule that it is a free for all and people can behave badly to each other. We want a different set of rules that ensure people are treated with respect and the views expressed do not call for violence towards others.

  • Each main room session will include breakouts that may or may not produce questions for main room Q&A. If questions are raised, breakout group consensus should decide on just one or two questions for main room response. The revolution will be built on small team deliberation not on individuals.

  • All conference participants will practice nonviolent communication at all times. Criticism should address behaviour and ideas—not individuals or groups themselves.

  • The Conference does not promote and will not tolerate physical violence, which generally creates reactionary oppressive cultures. R21C is a participatory social movement grounded in people power. If you disagree, that's fine—you are free to establish your own online events, which is easy enough to do.

  • If valid complaints are made against you or your group, then you may not be allowed to participate in future events. Rules need consequences. That’s the deal.

Meet the Team